Notice of Upcoming Meetings

Commissioner Meeting, Tuesday, March 25, 2025 @ 8:00am - Chase County Courthouse

Planning & Zoning Meeting, Tuesday, April 15, 2025 @ 1:00pm - Chase County Courthouse

Register of Deeds

The register of deeds has the power to take acknowledgments, administer oaths, and certify the same by his or her signature. The register must keep a book in which every instrument filed for record in his or her office is entered and an official seal. The register of deeds may appoint one or more deputies for whose acts the register will be responsible. The deputy may not be the county treasurer, sheriff, clerk, or surveyor. If a register of deeds is not elected pursuant to section 32-518, the county clerk shall act as ex officio register of deeds.

Schedule of Recording Fees & Requirements as set forth in Nebraska State Statues: §§ 33-109, 76-901, 23-1503.01, and 23-1510

***Chase County Register of Deeds is using Simplifile -- You can now record your documents electronically. Get started by calling 800.460.5657 or visit***

FILING FEES (Effective Jan. 1, 2013, LB14):

First Page: $10.00;

Each Additional Page: $6.00.

No fee charged for lots or sections of land 

The above fees are required for ALL documents filed in the Register of Deeds' office, except for UCC Documents, which will remain the same and except for NO-FEE documents:    


  • Federal Tax Lien Termination;
  • State Tax Lien Termination; and
  • Uniform Commerical Code (UCC) Termination.

All other document space-and-filing requirements remain the same (LB254).

Documentary Stamp Tax  (Effective July 1, 2005):

Documentary Stamp Tax on deeds: $2.25 per thousand dollars of the actual purchase price on transactions that are not exempt under state statute. If the property transfers for nominal consideration, documentary stamp tax will be due on the assessed value. 

Real Estate Transfer Statement (Form 521) is available here as a fillable form.

FEDERAL & STATE TAX LIENDS:  The Register of Deeds office will only record tax liens received from the Nebraska Secretarys of State's office.

CERTIFIED COPIES: Certification cost of $1.50 per page (in addition to standard photocopy fee per page)

PHOTO COPIES: $. 50 per page

FAX COPIES: $1.00 plus $ .50 per page to fax copies. Money is required before copies are faxed.

Register of Deeds

Wendy Moe
PO Box 1299
Imperial, NE 69033
(308) 882-7500
FAX: (308) 882-7552